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Do The Roar

Mini blogs on whatever is on my mind

I'm Dee. It's shorten for my full name, but that's not important :) 


About Me

Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration. Comedy.  

Thanks for checking it out! This is where I share with you what's going through my head because honestly, everyone is so busy no one really wants the HEAR what you have to say but they will read it at some point! I truly love people and always find myself helping, inspiring, or being the greatest support/friend I can be to people. I'm a momma of 3 crazy kids, I work full time, I recently picked up bodybuilding, (and by recently I mean I started training at the beginning of 2022 and competed within the year) I gots me a husband that is the most entertaining person you can meet. IYKYK!  I love to write and definitely have some goals with that piece of my life. BUT I also feel incredibly awkward talking to a camera - hence this blog is just writing LOL I was just born in the wrong generation - lets talk music sometimes, it's nothing current I promise :) I'm a singer, I'm vocal - I can be political but mostly make humor about it. I'm very transparent and completely honest so watch out for that!  And if you want my opinion on anything, ask away! I hope you all enjoy it, and if  you don't, PEACE!  

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